In an amazing development, China has pulled out of the Olympics!
Check it out!
August 8, 2008
China Pulls Out of the Olympics!?
Labels: China, Olympics, The Onion
Posted by Jaym at 4:26 PM 0 comments
August 6, 2008
Paris Hilton Embarasses the Warpublican Candidate!
As you may have heard, there's a tiny presidential election happening in the U.S. later this year... it's barely been in the news or anything, since it's not at all important that Obama wins and the United States gets back on the right track or instead end up dying like the Roman Empire under its corrupt and warmongering ways.
So to catch you up, there's actually another guy (or possibly skeleton, it's hard to say which) running against our next president on the Warpublican ticket, and his name is John McCain. His political team decided to run a typical Warpublican spin ad trying to claim soon-to-be-President Obama is not "experienced" enough to be president, and compared him to being just a celebrity like Britney Spears or Paris Hilton.
The Hilton family was quite justifiably angered by this lie, and the inappropriate use of Paris's image to serve John McOhMyGodHeIsSoVeryMuchToOldToBePresident's purposes.
Enter the awesome (if not political sound) revenge from
You may hate Paris, for whatever reason, but this is hysterical and totally burned John McYetMoreOfBushLeadingToTheInevitableDestructionOfTheUnitedStates's campaign.
Score yet another point for Obama!
Labels:, McCain, Obama, Paris Hilton, Politics, Video
Posted by Jaym at 4:04 PM 0 comments